"Where or where has my little dog gone or where or where can she be?"
Yes, a song from long ago bears those words but alas, there is an answer to this question. The little dog, named Audrey, is in Arizona. She wasn't and isn't "my" dog so there is that issue settled.
However, I did drive her to Winslow, Arizona (surely, ANOTHER SONG!) so she could become a part of a new family there. This was a 40 hour round trip for me. We had a great time going out! She slept for awhile at first then tore up a toy but then grew interested in the car and motion and what was going on outside. So she joined me in the driver's seat. As she is a petite Beagle, space was not a concern for us.
Since we left late on Saturday we stayed over in Big Cabin, OK. Don't you just want to go there knowing its name? We were greeted by wonderful Super 8 clerks because that motel allowed pets. Audrey played on the bed, getting some exercise, and then she snoozed in the crate.

The next day we were up, walked and on the road early. She grew bored with ripping up her toys so chose to help me again. This time she unlocked the rear window locks control on the driver's armrest and then proceeded to open all the windows at once. We were in a state with a 75 mph speed limit and doing every bit of it.
Nothing and no one left the car, fortunately! But it was an unnecessary thrill for me.
There were a few places Audrey sensed she needed to sniff out so we made some stops along the way but there was no dallying for she was to meet her new people that night. We had miles to go before we rested...
Of course, I lost a credit card. Getting off and on and off and on the OK toll road and paying each time I did gave me ample opportunity to drop papers, money, keys, you name it. But I dropped a credit card the first night out. A call home had the process in motion to cancel the card at 11:30 p.m. I could sleep.
Drop it, I did. A serious search of all luggage items and the car revealed nothing. Two days later, of course, on my return trip, I see the card in question stuck under the edge of the floor mat in the back seat area of the driver's side. That's OK. I didn't need it anyway.
Other than that, the trip was uneventful and long. I missed taking the photos I wanted to take because the sun had set when I got to a particularly desirable place. I ended up staying in Winslow at LaPasado which was grand but they put me in the John Wayne room which was not what I ever would ask for; he was out for the evening so that was fine - just a small 8 1/2 x 11 glossy indicated it was his room. Side tripped over to one of the ruins/wash areas which is considered a federal/national treasure and there I saw shards of Native American pottery, footprints and droppings of some really big animals that made me wonder how nuts I was to be out there early in the morning with no other humans around for miles.

A crazy trip? Yes. I love driving. I listened to 3 books and all were very good choices. I missed the inauguration although I tried desperately to get to Joplin, MO and a friend's house in time. But I heard it on the radio. And, I am totally behind the presidential notion of service to others. Thus the trip...not so crazy after all.