Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
Take A Walk With Me

I had to share it with Grandma who held title to the veggie and flower gardens, see the white picket fence? The cherry trees were hers too, as well as the chicken coop-turned-tool shed which the photographer must be standing in near. It was the cherry tree in the photo background that I used to climb to pick and eat the cherries. I managed to get some for Mom and Grandma to make pies too. I had the kettle I used for cherries, right up till last year.
Oh, and half the yard had been converted to a parking lot, or maybe always was. Pre-Kate era. Grandpa was a mechanic and had a 3 car garage. Grandma rented "tourist rooms" and there was parking for guests. My dad's truck was always parked outside.
One of the tourists was a snappy, young lad, probably 24-28 and he had a car that matched - a zippy, 2 seat red convertible. I was too young to be appreciated by him but I knew what I liked and it was that car! So I just hung around, touching it when he wasn't there. It was an MGB. Now I think Grandma should have taken his car in exchange for a place to live and in time I would have had a slick ride for myself.
Come to think of it, this may have been my first sign of a love for cars. It became an obsession: I used to lay in bed, look out the window, tell myself, "1956 Ford Fairlane", "1960 Chevy BelAir" or whatever was passing by.
So the yard sounds huge and it was then, when I was little. It is, still, in my mind. It was a full day of activity, an adventure-land to visit. Some days there was laundry hanging out to dry and dashing between sheets was a game. The next day the line would be left up so a tent could be set up over it for camping out (day camp). The day after that the tent would come down and become a screen for a play or puppet show. We'd haul out folding chairs for dolls and trapped family members. After the final performance we'd swing and spin around on the monkey bars.
Then there'd be a day of running a library and the neighborhood kids would come and we'd read. Imagine that! Soon there'd be a game of tag or ball to wear us out before dinner. The pool was obviously above ground and a source of much cool fun, as is evidenced above. When the pool wasn't "up" we'd have pet parades and every cat and dog on the block was encouraged to participate.
The garden was the best though. Row after row of carefully tended to plants that yielded beans and lettuce, tomatoes and rhubarb, parsley and probably some stuff I wouldn't eat so don't remember. I do recall weeding and the associated excuses for not being able to do it...not just yet. The excuses failed; the weeds were gone. I was outnumbered by grownups.
Well, thanks for taking this quick trip with me around the back yard. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of my only-child past. It was a close knit neighborhood where every mom was Mom, every dad was Dad, and every kid was like a brother or sister.
Or at least that's how I remember it.
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Our glorious Farmers' Market has opened. This past Wednesday, we strolled freely through the two block area as vendors were setting up and I was able to snap some tasty shots! Everything looks splendid.

This is our favorite young baker. She lives and works in a location in a very small but nearby town. Her lunches are simple and divine; her baked goods heavenly yet sinful. After Ed left and I was headed to the Y to work out I nabbed a key lime shortbread for myself. Don't tell.

Now here's a luscious treat! But the price is prohibitive, at least the first day. I may not be able to resist next time. Thankfully we have strawberries and rhubarb to use up and I've just done that by making a Strawberry-Rhubarb Betty. Cherries may be next.
As a child, growing up in Grandma's house, I was well aware of the scrumptious pie cherries and spent many an hour climbing the two trees we had to fill the colander with the fine fruit. The pie doesn't interest me so much but the cherries, oh, the cherries. Somehow putting the taste of a pie cherry into my sensory bank, along with the memory of young freedoms and climbing the trees, makes a grand way to begin a day.

Bread is the substance of life, is it not? And, this sampling of a full counter's array, was a few loaves lighter when we departed.

This particular double spaced display is our favorite. It's not just for appearances though. Yesterday we were out in the neighborhood (OK, we live in the country and 4 miles away is still the neighborhood), getting straw for the adoptAPLooza at the shelter today, and the farm we went to is next to the gardens run by the folks with this display. They do their gardening by hand once they have the dirt turned over for planting season. Sure enough 3 or 4 of them were out already, weeding, checking plant growth, watering if need be, and clearly, in touch with Nature.
It was so peaceful to watch, however briefly. Each plant received some attention. The workers, who we see on Wednesdays and Saturdays, moved carefully so as not to disturb anything. They weren't chatting or looking around. There was no loud music blasting from the back up a pickup truck. It was solemn, appreciative, thankful effort.
It makes me wonder.
That's it. It makes me wonder.
Have a blessed day.
Jumat, 12 Juni 2009
Rabu, 10 Juni 2009
Selasa, 09 Juni 2009
Senin, 08 Juni 2009
Another pup leaves the nest
Ozzie and Kevin are flying to Ontario, CA today. Tomorrow, Ozzie will meet his new mom and dad - Patricia and Luke.
We miss you already, Ozzie!
Jumat, 05 Juni 2009
Kamis, 04 Juni 2009
June - Bustin' Out All Over
Musical titles must haunt me. More often than not I spare you the groans. But not this time.
Alas, this is last year's iris. Not that we didn't have them - we did/do. I just haven't snapped the images.
Been busy. Ed's bro was in the hospital from Memorial Day (the appointed one not the real one) with Legionnaire's Disease. Imagine that? Remember that? It was BAD NEWS! However, he's home now, having had the antibiotics do their thing on him.
That was enough gut-wrenching for us. However, the 'puters and associated equipment decided to have a bad few days. We await a new router and some memory. That will set everything straight! Ha! Till then we are in Sluggishville and not networked between the PCs. MERCY! What did we do without all this technology?
And, we've been blessed (?) with rain, rain, and more rain.
Fortunately at the end of May we were able to have the fenced in area made dog-friendly so the crew is happy. Rock coverage reduces standing water which reduces mosquito populations...a plan that came together!
Hopefully June won't be a total bust. We'll make sure it isn't! Time to make the smiles bloom!
Alas, this is last year's iris. Not that we didn't have them - we did/do. I just haven't snapped the images.
Been busy. Ed's bro was in the hospital from Memorial Day (the appointed one not the real one) with Legionnaire's Disease. Imagine that? Remember that? It was BAD NEWS! However, he's home now, having had the antibiotics do their thing on him.
That was enough gut-wrenching for us. However, the 'puters and associated equipment decided to have a bad few days. We await a new router and some memory. That will set everything straight! Ha! Till then we are in Sluggishville and not networked between the PCs. MERCY! What did we do without all this technology?
And, we've been blessed (?) with rain, rain, and more rain.
Fortunately at the end of May we were able to have the fenced in area made dog-friendly so the crew is happy. Rock coverage reduces standing water which reduces mosquito populations...a plan that came together!
Hopefully June won't be a total bust. We'll make sure it isn't! Time to make the smiles bloom!
Senin, 01 Juni 2009
Puppies at 9 weeks old
Five of our puppies have gone to loving homes. We miss you Surfer (now Bogey), Matilda (now Clover), Roo (now Jack), Maccas (now Mac), and Zac.
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