I'm grateful for my new littlest guy- he's adorable and lovable! He's got chubby little arms and legs and the biggest smile. He makes me feel so happy.

photo by philmaland.com <-- he'd probably kill me if I didn't post that ;)
I'm grateful for my other little guy as well. He is strong and independent, but he also cares for every member of his family. When Asher cries, he puts his hand on his head and says bruh-er (brother). He gives out lots and lots of kisses these days too. And he's just recently taken to an awesome stuffed giraffe- he never cared for any particular toy before so it's super cute to me. Not to mention giraffes are my favorite animal ever and out of all his toys he chose a giraffe!

I'm grateful that it's summertime and it's nice and warm outside. I love having the doors open in my house and listening to music and letting all that beautiful sunshine come through my giant front room windows! Mmmmm.
I'm grateful that I have a house of my own that I can do to what I please. I love that I can paint the kitchen orange and paint a giant tree in Eli's playroom :D
I'm grateful for gardening! I love that I have a yard these days! It's so fun to plant your flowers and watch them grow. I love my honeysuckle that my good pal Xamara got for me- it's getting bigger and bigger and smells fabulous! And the colors are energizing and fun.
I'm grateful that we have friends around all week long coming and going and bringing us happiness throughout the day. They're around to help when we need it and they always raise the vibe.
I'm grateful for my well paying job that allows me to have the nice things I have in my life.
I am really grateful for google video :D I can listen to history channel stuff on my headset at work and it makes work much more pleasant.
I had to edit to add I'm grateful for my new niece Lily! She's an angel and a blessing. :)
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