We've been dumped on, big time. There's a minimum of 11 inches of snow outside and it is glorious - fluffy and pure. The pooches love it: play, leap, chase. And, I've shoveled while Ed plowed. Oddly, Cabin Fever is reduced when a good snow comes along and we can all get outside and appreciate it. Even if all we are doing is clearing the way to go elsewhere it is invigorating to get out and to breathe God's crisp, fresh air. Somehow the way sounds travel farther, the brightness of the day, the bundling up to head out, the tangling up of too many leashes at one time, the helping hand reaching out to be sure neighbors are ok - it's all reassuring; it's all upbeat! So, what we truly have had dumped on us is proof of God's love. And, amazingly it is what we've known all along: best exampled by the things that money cannot buy.
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