Rabu, 27 Februari 2008


Here are some newer photos of Eli- I haven't sent any out in awhile. I may be biased, but I think he's horribly handsome :D

Eli and Mommy at the Zoo!

Eli and I went to the zoo on Valentine's Day. There weren't many animals out, but we had a good time walking around :) He really liked the ducks and squirrels hahahah! We could've found those around home ;)

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

Tripp takes a trip!

Our only male dog works for his biscuits. He is a "donation" dog for Animal Protective League and he makes trips to schools to visit students in classrooms. Most recently he went to be with about 50 students during two periods of history.

Although he's not up to speed on world or even local history, Tripp helps demonstrate the importance of pet care. Together we talk with students about pets' needs. It turns out we can conclude pets and people need a lot of the same things - food, water, shelter, warmth (clothing for us), and love.

The basics give us all a better sense of worth, of well-being. When we have these we can provide them for others. We can pass it forward or return a favor. We can become ambassadors for better living right in our own neighborhoods.

The students we visit come from very broken homes. If they have pets often they are treated as things not living beings. Already that creates a similarity for them; as children in these homes they are not much different from the other "things" there. Respect, gratitude, kindness, gentleness, love - those characteristics, those human skills are not learned at home. The children rarely know these qualities exist let alone that they can be recipients and givers of them.

Sometimes it takes a dumb animal to teach what we need to know most.

Yet Another Good Book

Assuming you already know the BIBLE is the good book and you have already read that MERLE'S DOOR is an excellent choice if you value good writing, I have another suggestion.

Try THREE CUPS OF TEA. You'll learn how one man is doing the work of hundreds, building schools in mountain villages in Pakistan. It matters not whether these children are Muslim or Christian. What makes a difference is that they are learning. And, the "they" is everyone who has a piece of the action - all ages, all nationalities. In being taught they find there is less room for misunderstanding and more room for all humanity. The world hasn't changed in size, just in how it is seen. Perhaps we all need to put down guns and bombs and pick up books.

Could it be our wars are fought on the wrong battlefields?

Jumat, 22 Februari 2008

Maggie's Legacy

Maggie, 1999-2008
Maggie ruling the roost. Maggie and her two best friends. Maggie and her latest student, another neglected and abused dog.
She went by Maggie Switter Hein or Maggie-Pie or a hundred other nicknames we had for her. She walked along side of me without her leash after years of being on it, just happy to be a part of a stroll. She loved sunning on the deck. But she also led the others in the ways and rules of the house. She was fiercely loyal and protective and in this end those qualities turned on her.
Someone let a dog run loose. Maggie and our other dogs, equally as proud and driven to know their territory is secured, did not like that. They revolted. The trouble is they were not out in our fenced in yard where they could bark but inside where they could not run the fence line and be done with it. She got hurt, badly. I feel we sacrificed her because someone carelessly let their dog run wild and our dog paid for it with her life.
Yesterday Maggie went "over the rainbow" as some pet lovers say. I know she now waits in Heaven with our other critters. I believe they go there; what would Heaven be if we could not be with the purest loves of our lives? They give all without expectations. We learn so much from them, choosing to apply it is up to us.
We parted with Maggie sadly but temporarily. We love her forever. She was stalwart, soft-hearted, and stubborn. Her early pre-us years of being mis-treated had been traded for a loving home, companions, and good living. We know she appreciated every moment. And, as is so often the case when we provide for others, we got more than we could ever give.
Goodbye for now, Sweet Poocheroo. We will walk together again someday.

Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

I love this guy!

It's maybe a little known fact that I am a big fat American Idol lover. Yes I'm a nerd. Deep down really. I normally just like to watch the show and haven't actually liked an artist so much that I would buy their album at a later date. The tides may be changing!!! Jason Castro is a shy dreadlocked boy with a guitar- Who doesn't love that? I didn't even know I liked this song until now ; )

Rabu, 06 Februari 2008

Ready? Set? GO!

It's a little early but then, is it, really? Can't every day be Valentine's Day? This is a German postcard that was in a collection my mother has had. It was one sent to an older sister or brother from relatives in Germany. I've scanned many of them and they are even more stunning as preserved images than they are in person.
Start early - tell someone you love them right now.Splurge! Get a flower for someone. Smile BIG at a stranger and wish him/her a GRAND and MEMORABLE day. Surprise a neighbor with a supersized cookie or a treat. Thank your pastor(s) and church staff for being there. Call the librarian(s) and tell them you appreciate them. Send thank you valentines to your favorite local charity staff. You know - make it up, get creative!

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008


We voted early this a.m. and both of us switched parties in an effort to keep one particular candidate from being in the final election. It's our first "vote against" rather than "vote for" in a long time!
But the heartwarming part was the willingness of the election judges to have a notice posted for all who pass through to see. Tyler, the Beagle, is missing. The owner left a note and a phone number.
We vote in the garage of neighbors a mile or so away.
There was just something that felt good about a community outreach for a lost dog during a time when our country is a bit lost itself.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2008

Yes We Can


Let's Try Poetry!

Opposite Poles

Your actions

are still

so still.

You are a contradiction

an addiction

by my terms

and because of yours.

I have hundreds of poems but as usual, while searching for something completely different I found what it was I should be posting! My style is to be concise and use words that seem to work well together then find a zing or a push or a twist or snap - whatever it is! Just read and think. Not everything I write is personal - some is to make me engage more in life. Here's another one to try out.


Recently I went through deep piles of old photos and of course

There were people I didn’t know in many of them

People I’m related to

People I’ve never met

People who helped form the lives of those I love

Lots of the photos have smiling faces but there is that time period when it seems

Smiling may have been punishable by death

At least if it was a smile for a camera

How stern those souls appear

But they couldn’t have all been fearful

There had to be a certain excitement centered around having a photo taken

After all not everyone had a camera

Or had access to one

Or knew someone who had one

It had to be a bit like the circus coming to town




Is it possible they envisioned these flash moments would be eternalized and chose to secret away the part of their lives we’d never know?

We always should suspect there is more than meets the eye.

Back In The Day - School Daze

First day of school was a proud moment and isn't it amazing what family members hold on to only to have someone find them buried beneath other memorable treasures some -- years later? Here we are, our own version of the Three Musketeers, ready to turn around and walk away from the familiarity of home and family.Does it happen much anymore that three neighborhood kids grow up and go through all the grades together, remaining friends? Oh, we lost touch for far too long but are back, connecting again, even though none of us live in our Ozzie and Harriet town any longer.Nothing compares to the re-kindling of the past. On days when the temperature is barely double digit the fondness and recall of days such as that first trek to Kindergarten can warm a heart.

Jumat, 01 Februari 2008

At Long Last....paws to love revealed!

Many readers (ha ha ha, that'd be me) have asked, "Where are the photos of your dogs?"
So, now that I have (nearly) conquered the fine skill of photo re-sizing (thank you RT) and posting on the blog (thank you AM) I am accommodating the request!
My next task is to conquer the obsession with ( ) and then !
Now appearing : (above) Tripp Carhartt Hein, Maggie Switter Hein, Harmony Victoria Hein, and Frieda Joy Hein. These are the inspiration animals! Our two older girls, Scout O'rama and Precious Dog, decided to skip photo opps at this point. They consider themselves retired!

Snow's Here!

We've been dumped on, big time. There's a minimum of 11 inches of snow outside and it is glorious - fluffy and pure. The pooches love it: play, leap, chase. And, I've shoveled while Ed plowed. Oddly, Cabin Fever is reduced when a good snow comes along and we can all get outside and appreciate it. Even if all we are doing is clearing the way to go elsewhere it is invigorating to get out and to breathe God's crisp, fresh air. Somehow the way sounds travel farther, the brightness of the day, the bundling up to head out, the tangling up of too many leashes at one time, the helping hand reaching out to be sure neighbors are ok - it's all reassuring; it's all upbeat! So, what we truly have had dumped on us is proof of God's love. And, amazingly it is what we've known all along: best exampled by the things that money cannot buy.