Opposite Poles
Your actions
are still
so still.
You are a contradiction
an addiction
by my terms
and because of yours.
I have hundreds of poems but as usual, while searching for something completely different I found what it was I should be posting! My style is to be concise and use words that seem to work well together then find a zing or a push or a twist or snap - whatever it is! Just read and think. Not everything I write is personal - some is to make me engage more in life. Here's another one to try out.
Recently I went through deep piles of old photos and of course
There were people I didn’t know in many of them
People I’m related to
People I’ve never met
People who helped form the lives of those I love
Lots of the photos have smiling faces but there is that time period when it seems
Smiling may have been punishable by death
At least if it was a smile for a camera
How stern those souls appear
But they couldn’t have all been fearful
There had to be a certain excitement centered around having a photo taken
After all not everyone had a camera
Or had access to one
Or knew someone who had one
It had to be a bit like the circus coming to town
Is it possible they envisioned these flash moments would be eternalized and chose to secret away the part of their lives we’d never know?
We always should suspect there is more than meets the eye.