Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Brew and Bob Skijoring!

Can you skijor with beagles? Well, it turns out that it is possible.
Today, Kevin and I took the beagles skijoring. They had a great time running in the snow. We went about 4 kilometers with them. Surprisingly, once they were running, they pretty much went straight. The next time we go I think we will have a couple of additional equipment items - harness for us to wear so you don't have to hang onto the leash and at minimum an 8 ft leash.

Here is a video of Brew and Kevin. (click on links at bottom of pictures to watch the videos)

From Beagles Skijoring 2012

Here is Bob
From Beagles Skijoring 2012

I guess we will need to teach the beagles these commands as well.