Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011
Kamis, 24 November 2011
Damaged Goods
Sure enough, we were bound and determined we were going to be do-gooders this holiday. It comes upon us suddenly and we get tunnel vision regarding all else going on in our lives. Off we go, cheerfully convinced that no harm will come from our being away from home on a Wednesday night.
Wrong. Wrong, wrong-wrong.
Fast forward only about 3 hours. In that time it became quite apparent that someone within the confines of the household had realized he has a deficiency in both wood and plastic. It had to be Baxter.
We're not sure what he started with but we know he developed a taste for hard plastic a few weeks ago when he went after a cordless phone. Highly likely this outburst resulted from a caller wanting to reduce his interest rate on all his credit cards. Baxter does not like nagging callers, especially when they don't have anything any of us want. Really.
We let that go.
However, that same evening (and I'm still building the background for you here) he also yielded to the temptation of the TV remote control. It's never been necessary to hide this from the dogs; they get to decide what to watch 90% of the time. We leave Clifford on TV when we go away, or Garrison on the radio. But not planning to be gone long and it being nighttime we figured, "Anh, we'll let them sleep." We could only hope he wanted to watch something on PBS to get him and his companions thru the angst associated with the ringing phone now ringing, crippled and sprawled, on the floor. Besides, it still worked, looking a little less together and more like the Velveteen Rabbit, "loved".
We let that go. We learned nothing from the experience.
Back to last night; stay with me here. We walk in after helping do the prep work for 230 Thanksgiving meals. Yup. That's right. I did say "do-gooders". We were thankful for being able to help and in high spirits as we opened the door.
And, there it all was - the aftermath: indoor dog party. There must have been a fling contest of coasters for they were scattered all about the living room. Granted one of the dogs loves to play frisbee/bring it but she knows to keep that outside. It had to be Baxter.
His tell-tale teeth marks were on the wooden holder for the coasters. Gnawed. DNA testing not required. Guilt confirmed by the pointing of the paws of his so-called pals and the sad sack, "I'm so sorry, Mom. I couldn't help myself. They made me do it" eyes. Baxter led us to the remnants of the remote control. No longer would it serve its intended purpose. Fortunately after the last adventure we'd ordered a replacement which had remained in its secret box. Bits of silver plastic appeared under furniture which had been sat upon during the free for all.
Any pet owner who thinks they have control, remote control or otherwise, needs to think again!
Wrong. Wrong, wrong-wrong.
Fast forward only about 3 hours. In that time it became quite apparent that someone within the confines of the household had realized he has a deficiency in both wood and plastic. It had to be Baxter.
We're not sure what he started with but we know he developed a taste for hard plastic a few weeks ago when he went after a cordless phone. Highly likely this outburst resulted from a caller wanting to reduce his interest rate on all his credit cards. Baxter does not like nagging callers, especially when they don't have anything any of us want. Really.
We let that go.
However, that same evening (and I'm still building the background for you here) he also yielded to the temptation of the TV remote control. It's never been necessary to hide this from the dogs; they get to decide what to watch 90% of the time. We leave Clifford on TV when we go away, or Garrison on the radio. But not planning to be gone long and it being nighttime we figured, "Anh, we'll let them sleep." We could only hope he wanted to watch something on PBS to get him and his
We let that go. We learned nothing from the experience.
Back to last night; stay with me here. We walk in after helping do the prep work for 230 Thanksgiving meals. Yup. That's right. I did say "do-gooders". We were thankful for being able to help and in high spirits as we opened the door.
And, there it all was - the aftermath: indoor dog party. There must have been a fling contest of coasters for they were scattered all about the living room. Granted one of the dogs loves to play frisbee/bring it but she knows to keep that outside. It had to be Baxter.
His tell-tale teeth marks were on the wooden holder for the coasters. Gnawed. DNA testing not required. Guilt confirmed by the pointing of the paws of his so-called pals and the sad sack, "I'm so sorry, Mom. I couldn't help myself. They made me do it" eyes. Baxter led us to the remnants of the remote control. No longer would it serve its intended purpose. Fortunately after the last adventure we'd ordered a replacement which had remained in its secret box. Bits of silver plastic appeared under furniture which had been sat upon during the free for all.
Any pet owner who thinks they have control, remote control or otherwise, needs to think again!
remote control,
Selasa, 27 September 2011
Book Covers
Once again it became clear to us how much is missed when people are judged by appearance. Ed recently underwent brain surgery (the previously mentioned benign tumor - gone). While several of us waited in the surgical waiting room we observed a pair of people upon whom most would turn their backs. Our group didn't "mix" with them but observed. One of them even came over and took a muffin from the stash a friend of ours had brought! We all chuckled over it and moved on with our waiting, waiting, waiting.
It turned out the unlikely couple's friend took the room across from Ed's so we saw more coming and going over a few days. One of the pair visited regularly, oddly dressed. We had glimpses of a wig on a chair and high heels but the room belonged to a guy so we weren't sure who was who or what was what.
Then, the young man (patient) occupying the room came over. He brought Ed a handmade card. Origami. A shirt. With a get well message neatly printed and a word of praise for God. It was moving. It changed me as it seems so many actions these days do. As Ed said, this young man, ill, probably homeless or close to it, reached out and gave us a clear example of the commandment - Love Thy Neighbor.
Sadly it took this to get me to go speak with him but I did and I admit I'm still baby-stepping my way to being God's humble servant. But I did talk to him and did wish him Godspeed at the end of Ed's stay.
There's so much to learn, so much for which to be thankful.
It turned out the unlikely couple's friend took the room across from Ed's so we saw more coming and going over a few days. One of the pair visited regularly, oddly dressed. We had glimpses of a wig on a chair and high heels but the room belonged to a guy so we weren't sure who was who or what was what.
Then, the young man (patient) occupying the room came over. He brought Ed a handmade card. Origami. A shirt. With a get well message neatly printed and a word of praise for God. It was moving. It changed me as it seems so many actions these days do. As Ed said, this young man, ill, probably homeless or close to it, reached out and gave us a clear example of the commandment - Love Thy Neighbor.
Sadly it took this to get me to go speak with him but I did and I admit I'm still baby-stepping my way to being God's humble servant. But I did talk to him and did wish him Godspeed at the end of Ed's stay.
There's so much to learn, so much for which to be thankful.
Jumat, 02 September 2011
Gone. Summer '11.
Ah, deep breath. The circle of life. It shows up sometimes in a tight formation, other times loose and large. I like living large. This summer has been smaller, concentric circles.
First, an actual vacation for me - going to camp in early August, at the height of the heat. Challenged to climb a Ozark mountain, I did it, in spite of near heat-exhaustion. Yes, I wondered if dying in the woods was my fate. Alas, it was not so the blog goes on and on, and maybe, on....
Then, shortly upon coming back we learned my husband will have BENIGN brain tumor surgery in later September. Humor moment: It explains a lot of things. Reality moment: It sucks and it is scary in spite of the stated status and predicted outcome.
So circles of life have been developing. The planning and execution of the vacation, the inclusion of loads of new friends into the big circle of acquaintances and friends, some maybe for life, others for this once a year adventure. This circle is very elastic and has opened up to bring back into it a couple of long time but lost friends.
All around it are the daily circles which are newly created to accommodate what will happen next. There's an exercise regime to keep too much weight from being added because "the mister" is on steroids. That's an actual physical circle of riding bikes in the mornings. We have the circle of errands to run to stock up on stuff that he thinks he needs on hand so I don't have to run out during his recuperation time. Chances are extremely high I will have forgotten something. Please. I'll need to go somewhere sometime.
More so, there is the circle of support. Prayer is immense and I've actually learned (hush) it is an act of service. Truth told, I sorta poo-poo'd some who cavalierly said "We'll pray..." but I have learned those who are really good at it are serving. It's not a substitute for action. It is an action. And, it is a much needed one.
Folks also offer to do stuff but at this point I'm not sure what it would or will be. The lawn's not growing so there's no mowing to do for awhile - maybe next spring! We are fortunate not to "need" anything. So, what will be best is for people to come and visit.
Of course, it's obvious to me this is a time you-know-who thinks long and hard about the circle of life in the philosophical sense. Has he done it right? Has he done all he wants? What difference has he made? Is there such a thing as a legacy and what is his? What will happen IF...(lots of fill-ins)? Fortunately we've had these kinds of conversations over the years. We know. All is well. What matters is being at peace with who each of us has been, is and will be. It ain't over till the pearly gates open!
First, an actual vacation for me - going to camp in early August, at the height of the heat. Challenged to climb a Ozark mountain, I did it, in spite of near heat-exhaustion. Yes, I wondered if dying in the woods was my fate. Alas, it was not so the blog goes on and on, and maybe, on....
Then, shortly upon coming back we learned my husband will have BENIGN brain tumor surgery in later September. Humor moment: It explains a lot of things. Reality moment: It sucks and it is scary in spite of the stated status and predicted outcome.
So circles of life have been developing. The planning and execution of the vacation, the inclusion of loads of new friends into the big circle of acquaintances and friends, some maybe for life, others for this once a year adventure. This circle is very elastic and has opened up to bring back into it a couple of long time but lost friends.
All around it are the daily circles which are newly created to accommodate what will happen next. There's an exercise regime to keep too much weight from being added because "the mister" is on steroids. That's an actual physical circle of riding bikes in the mornings. We have the circle of errands to run to stock up on stuff that he thinks he needs on hand so I don't have to run out during his recuperation time. Chances are extremely high I will have forgotten something. Please. I'll need to go somewhere sometime.
More so, there is the circle of support. Prayer is immense and I've actually learned (hush) it is an act of service. Truth told, I sorta poo-poo'd some who cavalierly said "We'll pray..." but I have learned those who are really good at it are serving. It's not a substitute for action. It is an action. And, it is a much needed one.
Folks also offer to do stuff but at this point I'm not sure what it would or will be. The lawn's not growing so there's no mowing to do for awhile - maybe next spring! We are fortunate not to "need" anything. So, what will be best is for people to come and visit.
Of course, it's obvious to me this is a time you-know-who thinks long and hard about the circle of life in the philosophical sense. Has he done it right? Has he done all he wants? What difference has he made? Is there such a thing as a legacy and what is his? What will happen IF...(lots of fill-ins)? Fortunately we've had these kinds of conversations over the years. We know. All is well. What matters is being at peace with who each of us has been, is and will be. It ain't over till the pearly gates open!
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
Brew at Enumclaw 08.21.11
Off to another show to see if we could improve our Rally Advanced scores. While we could move up to Rally Excellent and pursue our next title, I decided we should have a few more rounds of practice at the Advanced level. And today, we did do much better with a score of 94. The course was fun and included a lot of different elements. The ring stewards at the show to my surprise were my instructors and training partners so the pressure was on. I'm sure in Rally class tomorrow, Debbie will be pointing out all my flaws. LOL Helen gave me a great complement and said that Brew's attention on me was wonderful. And after watching the video, I was very proud of Brew's attention.
Brew at Portland - Beagle Specialty and Team Rally
Back in July, Brew and I competed at the Beagle Specialty in Portland. At the Beagle Specialty, we entered in Novice Obedience and got a score of 176/200. Not our best performance but we were the only beagle entered in Obedience so we got 1st. LOL.
In the afternoon, we competed in Rally Advanced. In Rally, we were joined by other beagle competitors, although they weren't in our class at least we had beagle company. We got an 88/100 and our 3rd and final leg towards his Rally Advanced certificate. (So we added some more letters after his name - RA).
On Saturday, our Rally score was 78/100. Brew was just a little distracted - ok he was a lot distracted - he kept looking outside the ring (for you know who...JO!)
On Saturday, we also competed in a new event for us - Team Rally. So our team consisted of a Newfoundland, Papillon, schnauzer, and a beagle. We competed against four other teams. So each team member goes thru the course separately but one right after the other. Our team got 3rd place so not too bad.

On Sunday, we tried again and at least improved our score to an 89. We made Jo go away long before we went into the ring. (Jo would just say that the beagles like her better - sure because she gives them all the good treats and lets them sleep in bed with her.)
To see Brew and me in action:
Portland Videos
In the afternoon, we competed in Rally Advanced. In Rally, we were joined by other beagle competitors, although they weren't in our class at least we had beagle company. We got an 88/100 and our 3rd and final leg towards his Rally Advanced certificate. (So we added some more letters after his name - RA).
On Saturday, our Rally score was 78/100. Brew was just a little distracted - ok he was a lot distracted - he kept looking outside the ring (for you know who...JO!)
On Sunday, we tried again and at least improved our score to an 89. We made Jo go away long before we went into the ring. (Jo would just say that the beagles like her better - sure because she gives them all the good treats and lets them sleep in bed with her.)
To see Brew and me in action:
Portland Videos
Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011
Starbuck Torbay Blue Chip Stock "K2"
At the Portland show, K2 got her championship. Such a pretty girl.
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Brew Howls for Me
Brew was very upset one day when I took Bob to school instead of him. Kevin was walking the beagles and I met him along the road. As I loaded Bob up and drove away, I could see Brew turning to look back where I had gone. When Brew got home, he began to howl and pace.
Selasa, 05 Juli 2011
Our Flag
Early morning is great for reflection as well as gearing up for the day ahead. Yesterday, in spite of or because of the holiday, was such a morning for me as I drove to a home to walk the dogs. Cruising along on a quiet street by the university I thought about how great the town looked with all the flags and bunting on the homes, in the yards, on light poles.
Seeing the flag just boosts the spirits. Don't you just swell up with pride, even a little, despite all that we hear, blah, blah, blah, badmouthing everything and everyone who makes a comment, a decision, a move...etc. Yes, I say, I feel better when I see the flag and see people celebrating it. In our town I get the sense that the vast majority understand and value their freedoms.
And, I thought, the flag is not a holiday decoration. Yes, stars are, stripes are - in a variety of displays and configurations. But the flag is not. It is a symbolic representation and reminder of what has gone on for 235+ years to keep this country whole and free.
So, why aren't more flags up 365 days of the year? I don't care where you live. If you have a flag you should fly it all the time. If it wears out, be grateful that you wore it out by sharing it with others. When you need a new one, be grateful it will be easy to acquire. Never question the price you pay for it. Consider the price paid by others.
Seeing the flag just boosts the spirits. Don't you just swell up with pride, even a little, despite all that we hear, blah, blah, blah, badmouthing everything and everyone who makes a comment, a decision, a move...etc. Yes, I say, I feel better when I see the flag and see people celebrating it. In our town I get the sense that the vast majority understand and value their freedoms.
And, I thought, the flag is not a holiday decoration. Yes, stars are, stripes are - in a variety of displays and configurations. But the flag is not. It is a symbolic representation and reminder of what has gone on for 235+ years to keep this country whole and free.
So, why aren't more flags up 365 days of the year? I don't care where you live. If you have a flag you should fly it all the time. If it wears out, be grateful that you wore it out by sharing it with others. When you need a new one, be grateful it will be easy to acquire. Never question the price you pay for it. Consider the price paid by others.
Jumat, 24 Juni 2011
Another month vanished but there are more weeds than ever; cicadas and rain kept me buried in books, inside, rather than taming the yard. Oh, well - these past couple of days have more than made up for it as the coolness and slightly overcast (it's all relative) sky have been wonderful.
Seeing the word "sky" brings back a conversation memory created one day while we were traveling, probably driving westward. When does one say "sky" and when does one say "skies"? Is it "The sky is blue." but "Fly the friendly skies..."? How does one tell where one sky ends and another starts? Just wondering. But then, retired people wonder about a lot of things.
Just last weekend my friend N and I did the weekly dog/cat transport and she had unearthed an opportunity for us to go on a tour which started near our destination and ended 20 miles closer to home. It was as if the stars in the sky/skies were in alignment! We went! What a delightful day it turned out to be for we visited two estates, one belonging to a late VP/Supreme Court Judge/Lincoln campaign manager and one belonging to an esteemed, highly successful, reknowned Central Illinois business family. Different as they were, in dwellings and lifestyles, the reflection on the past gave us opportunities to consider not just how far we've come as a country but what we've left behind.
Ingenuity. Yes, we create a great deal which takes advantage of "e", such as email and e-games. There's much to be said for Internet technology, I admit. I'm often smitten by it.
But around the house or with friends/family do we fiddle with trinkets and gadgets and look at a problem with an eye for solving it? Do we brainstorm about getting something resolved or completed? Do we look at the path less taken anymore? The prairie folks were industrious and ingenious, making do and making something out of unlikely materials. Often it stuck. At the very least it led to more fiddling, till they got it right. Then it stuck. I was amazed, as I always am, at how much time I waste doing non-fiddling things.
I'm not sure we even teach problem-solving anymore. It's right there with "thinking"...a couple of difficult and challenging concepts. Plus they are not perceived as fun and we do want fun-loving young people. Let's not worry about whether they know when to use there, their, or they're, or it's and its. Really? NO. See the tongue in my cheek?
Maybe it's a pie in the sky attitude I've developed but I'd love to see us put away all the electronic toys we have and get back to creating, inventing, fiddlin' and messin' with stuff. There's something to be said for seeing a person light up when an idea becomes an object, when a kid runs up with an item and declares "Look what I MADE!"
We should do more encouraging - after all the sky's the limit. Those who walked the earth before us knew that. I'm convinced there are days when some people never look up at the sky. It's just always there. It's pretty darned spectacular when you take the time to observe it. Then you start to wonder about it. Then you think about the awesome world we live in and how nature works. Then you appreciate it more. Then you're thankful for life, your surroundings, all we've been given. Then you figure out a way to make something happen and you get to fiddlin'.
What color is YOUR sky?
Seeing the word "sky" brings back a conversation memory created one day while we were traveling, probably driving westward. When does one say "sky" and when does one say "skies"? Is it "The sky is blue." but "Fly the friendly skies..."? How does one tell where one sky ends and another starts? Just wondering. But then, retired people wonder about a lot of things.
Just last weekend my friend N and I did the weekly dog/cat transport and she had unearthed an opportunity for us to go on a tour which started near our destination and ended 20 miles closer to home. It was as if the stars in the sky/skies were in alignment! We went! What a delightful day it turned out to be for we visited two estates, one belonging to a late VP/Supreme Court Judge/Lincoln campaign manager and one belonging to an esteemed, highly successful, reknowned Central Illinois business family. Different as they were, in dwellings and lifestyles, the reflection on the past gave us opportunities to consider not just how far we've come as a country but what we've left behind.
Ingenuity. Yes, we create a great deal which takes advantage of "e", such as email and e-games. There's much to be said for Internet technology, I admit. I'm often smitten by it.
But around the house or with friends/family do we fiddle with trinkets and gadgets and look at a problem with an eye for solving it? Do we brainstorm about getting something resolved or completed? Do we look at the path less taken anymore? The prairie folks were industrious and ingenious, making do and making something out of unlikely materials. Often it stuck. At the very least it led to more fiddling, till they got it right. Then it stuck. I was amazed, as I always am, at how much time I waste doing non-fiddling things.
I'm not sure we even teach problem-solving anymore. It's right there with "thinking"...a couple of difficult and challenging concepts. Plus they are not perceived as fun and we do want fun-loving young people. Let's not worry about whether they know when to use there, their, or they're, or it's and its. Really? NO. See the tongue in my cheek?
Maybe it's a pie in the sky attitude I've developed but I'd love to see us put away all the electronic toys we have and get back to creating, inventing, fiddlin' and messin' with stuff. There's something to be said for seeing a person light up when an idea becomes an object, when a kid runs up with an item and declares "Look what I MADE!"
We should do more encouraging - after all the sky's the limit. Those who walked the earth before us knew that. I'm convinced there are days when some people never look up at the sky. It's just always there. It's pretty darned spectacular when you take the time to observe it. Then you start to wonder about it. Then you think about the awesome world we live in and how nature works. Then you appreciate it more. Then you're thankful for life, your surroundings, all we've been given. Then you figure out a way to make something happen and you get to fiddlin'.
What color is YOUR sky?
Kamis, 23 Juni 2011
Sophie Puppies 3 weeks
About 3 weeks ago, I watched Sophie's puppies for Lesley. Finally made it through all the pixs that I took. As usual I took about 1,000 pixs, but I was able to edit it down to 161.
Video of pups playing, click to watch
To see more pictures go to Starbuck Torbay
Video of pups playing, click to watch
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From Sophie Puppies 3 weeks |
To see more pictures go to Starbuck Torbay
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
2nd Day at Puyallup - WE DID IT!
Today, we were successful and got I believe our 3rd leg in Novice Obedience so we will soon be able to add a few more letters after Brew's name - CD which means Companion Dog or something like that. Again, there were lots of handler and dog errors but we managed to get a score of 179 1/2 which means we passed. Thanks to Jo, Sindi and Darin for coming out to support us. And thanks to Kevin for supporting us yesterday.
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
Brew at Puyallup Show Jun 2011
Brew and I tried to get our third leg in Novice Obedience at the Puyallup show today but it was not to be. Everything was going great until just before the heel free (off leash) exercise - a couple of beagles walked in the door and that caught Brew's attention. Needless to say, he kept looking outside the ring for the beagles instead of focusing on me so we NQ. Will try again tomorrow. On a good note, at least he didn't run out of the ring on the recall but it may have been because the recall was away from the gate. His sit and down stay were good as well so just got to work more on off leash with distractions.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Just a Little Walk With Jesus
There's a gospel song, "Just a Little Walk With Jesus", upbeat and reassuring. I particularly like it because when our choir sang it there was a need for more men in the group and Ed actually took up being a choir member for awhile. He claims he merely mouthed the words, uttering no musical notes whatsoever. That's fine, true or not. He had fun and had the spirit.
I received a smack in the back of my head today which made me think of this song. Since Oprah is leaving her show I guess I could give her a plug and say it was an ah-HA moment. In between chores I opted to go outside and check to see if the mail was here. Getting the mail still has the childhood excitement attached to it even if it consists of bills and junk mail. You just never know what might be in that box at the end of the driveway! This small errand is always dangerous as I typically see things growing that should be yanked from the ground. Today was no exception; there were weeds. And I gave in to the urge to remove some.
Pull, pull, pull - maybe I moved along about 15 ft., face down, selectively taking out the big ones and mentally noting that weeding needs to go on tomorrow's to-do list. I got to the area by the wonderful willow tree we are fortunate to have and I heard a rustling noise. No one spoke to me but someone clearly I was not alone. I thought there might be a stray dog roaming or feral cat out and about. I looked up.
There was Clover! Yes, of course, a named critter now! This young deer was no more than 7 feet away from me, across the creek bed. He acted as if it was natural for both of us to be sharing that space. I had my cell phone and thought I'd take a couple of shots and that would scare him off. I did. He stayed.
Long story short, he seems a bit of a poser! Knowing the phone never does the job of a real camera it dawned on me I might be able to call Ed. He got my regular camera and brought it out to me. His expression when he saw Clover was one to treasure! He went to his car for his camera and took photos too but I can't get them off his camera so you're seeing mine. Clover followed me around the yard, happily and without any concern, sampling weeds, hosta leaves, camera straps, red bud tree leaves, grass, and clover. The clover I offered him and he took from my hand. In fact he came up and actually licked my nose then nibbled on it.
At one point he even settled down alongside the creek bed to give me a chance to realize my good fortune and enjoy his company.
I thought he was going to try to come into the house for he followed me down the driveway and up the sidewalk. It was in taking the final shots that I realized I was looking at one of God's creatures and seeing Him there.
It's been a rough week and a half, having put our Molly (cat) to sleep, the thrill of finding Max as a companion for my very best friend and later finding he was so sick he had to be put to sleep also, learning that in two days, one of my client dogs, Daisy, will be put to sleep.
Friday edit: Daisy is alive!!!! Her wonderful owner took her off meds and put her on a homeopathic treatment which has Daisy up and around and doing fine! WoooHOOOO. She's thin but lively and for now winning her battle with Cushing's Disease! I walked in today and THERE SHE WAS!
Then there are the storms and tornadoes. Luckily friends are OK in MN and MO both. They will face knowing others who deal with closer tragedies. And I was having a bit of a pity party, feeling sad from the on-rush of sorrowful events and losses.
I received a smack in the back of my head today which made me think of this song. Since Oprah is leaving her show I guess I could give her a plug and say it was an ah-HA moment. In between chores I opted to go outside and check to see if the mail was here. Getting the mail still has the childhood excitement attached to it even if it consists of bills and junk mail. You just never know what might be in that box at the end of the driveway! This small errand is always dangerous as I typically see things growing that should be yanked from the ground. Today was no exception; there were weeds. And I gave in to the urge to remove some.
Pull, pull, pull - maybe I moved along about 15 ft., face down, selectively taking out the big ones and mentally noting that weeding needs to go on tomorrow's to-do list. I got to the area by the wonderful willow tree we are fortunate to have and I heard a rustling noise. No one spoke to me but someone clearly I was not alone. I thought there might be a stray dog roaming or feral cat out and about. I looked up.
There was Clover! Yes, of course, a named critter now! This young deer was no more than 7 feet away from me, across the creek bed. He acted as if it was natural for both of us to be sharing that space. I had my cell phone and thought I'd take a couple of shots and that would scare him off. I did. He stayed.
Long story short, he seems a bit of a poser! Knowing the phone never does the job of a real camera it dawned on me I might be able to call Ed. He got my regular camera and brought it out to me. His expression when he saw Clover was one to treasure! He went to his car for his camera and took photos too but I can't get them off his camera so you're seeing mine. Clover followed me around the yard, happily and without any concern, sampling weeds, hosta leaves, camera straps, red bud tree leaves, grass, and clover. The clover I offered him and he took from my hand. In fact he came up and actually licked my nose then nibbled on it.
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Clover by the creekbed |
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Clover approaches the front door |
I thought he was going to try to come into the house for he followed me down the driveway and up the sidewalk. It was in taking the final shots that I realized I was looking at one of God's creatures and seeing Him there.
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Max |
It's been a rough week and a half, having put our Molly (cat) to sleep, the thrill of finding Max as a companion for my very best friend and later finding he was so sick he had to be put to sleep also, learning that in two days, one of my client dogs, Daisy, will be put to sleep.
Friday edit: Daisy is alive!!!! Her wonderful owner took her off meds and put her on a homeopathic treatment which has Daisy up and around and doing fine! WoooHOOOO. She's thin but lively and for now winning her battle with Cushing's Disease! I walked in today and THERE SHE WAS!
Then there are the storms and tornadoes. Luckily friends are OK in MN and MO both. They will face knowing others who deal with closer tragedies. And I was having a bit of a pity party, feeling sad from the on-rush of sorrowful events and losses.
No one knows why things happen as they do. It's the mysteries of life, the pluses and minuses, the balance God creates. Today he brought me to Clover and for 30-45 minutes I was able to take Just a Little Walk With Jesus. And, as you can see in this last photo of Clover, He talked to me.
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
Just enjoy the pics
Senin, 16 Mei 2011
Mick's Tricks and other fun videos
Mick and his tricks (dbl click on pictures to watch videos)
Mick playing fetch unless Bob gets it first
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From Starbuck Torbay McKinley - Mick - Mac Mick and Bob wrestlling
Mick performing some of his tricks outside
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
String Ball Has Baby in Time for Mother's Day!
We ventured out to Lincoln, IL last week, to meet people who were bringing pet supplies for our favorite rescue group. Thank you! We are so dependent upon the kindness of strangers.
Before we left for Lincoln we figured out we could go to The Blue Dog Inn*, established 1979, for a bite. Get it? A dog place? A bite? Ha. Dark humor. So we managed to combine good deed and good food. Walking from the car to the Inn though we came upon a sight to behold.
*Please note, although The Blue Dog Inn has plenty of artwork depicting dogs, often photos of the dogs belonging to friends of the original owner, there is not artwork by the famous NO area Blue Dog painter, George R. You'd have to come to my house to see that, or a gallery. As I recall, George went after the person who copied his work onto restaurant walls elsewhere.

You may see that in taking this shot I happened to cut off Mr. Lincoln's face but surely you recognize the hair, ears and chin. Ignore that though and take note that a giant string ball has given birth to a baby string ball! We were amazed to see that as we didn't even know there was one "in the oven" so to speak! Given their natural shape it is often hard to tell if they are expecting a wee one. I wish it was clearer just how big momma is - don't compare her to the old timie oil lamp, it's too close to where I stood - use the wine bottle on the other side of Abe (I doubt it was his).
So, another happy occasion was marked and I just had to share it with faithful readers. Rather than string this out I'll just wrap it up and tie it off.
*Please note, although The Blue Dog Inn has plenty of artwork depicting dogs, often photos of the dogs belonging to friends of the original owner, there is not artwork by the famous NO area Blue Dog painter, George R. You'd have to come to my house to see that, or a gallery. As I recall, George went after the person who copied his work onto restaurant walls elsewhere.
abandoned dogs,
blue dog inn,
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Dr. Seuss Was Correct
Dr. Seuss smartly chose the title OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO for one of his later-in-life books. Initially written as a "children's" book (really?) it is a send-off to a shift in life's circumstances. I find it fitting for retirement, especially retirement work which I can hardly call work, but it is. Although I enjoyed most days of my underage employment, as a meandering individual I now have time to explore and observe more than ever!
Thus it was that on a recent visit to meet a new 3 month old resident at a home also housing a 7 month old I came upon another, albeit, unannounced resident. My mission was to play/exercise the pups. In other words, make certain they attended to outside "duties" and were sufficiently exhausted when they went back inside. I had my camera with me for I envisioned a great time would be had by all and that I'd capture moments of their exuberance. True enough.
The older pup and I tried to teach the young one about chasing a ball but she was interested only in sticks and other odds and ends that could be carted around proudly, as if she were put on this earth to make this particular discovery. It seemed inevitable they were going to romp and I was going to romp along with them. In so doing my attention turned towards the fenced in, covered pool.
There sat The Duck
His head he did tuck
Under a wing
Have you seen such a thing?
Evenutally he realized I was very interested in him and he pulled his head out and re-arranged himself to pose for photos, including taking a dip in the pool cover, not the pool, but the cover which had enough rain in it to make for a nice float area. He was very accommodating!
Coincidentally while walking and philosophizing with another young poocheroo I spied a family of geese and still had the camera with me. I showed them to "B" and he was most engaged but not eager to get in the lake and draw them closer. Perhaps he'd been warned about getting his freshly groomed coat dirty; he's awfully tidy! We were lucky enough to hold our position on the bridge, and then later in his backyard, while the folks took the youngsters out for a swim. I clicked away.
Some days I'm not particularly proud of what I talk to the dogs about while we're walking and getting our exercise. They are great listeners even though I do get some feedback, such as "Just let it go.", "Oh, this again," and so forth. Some days I am certain I don't see everything God puts before me, whether I'm alone, with a walking buddy, or in a mass of people. But then there are days such as this one, when I go places and I see things I am supposed to see and count my blessings for having made it this far, with miles still to travel.
Come along, maybe not with me specifically, but with what life has to offer. "You'll be on your way up! / You'll be seeing great sights! / You'll join the high fliers / who soar to high heights." Dr. Seuss, with his inimitable illustrations and exhilarating rhymes, reveals, at a level we all understand, that true success is imminent. As long as you remember "to be dexterous and deft. And NEVER mix up your right foot with your left"
Thus it was that on a recent visit to meet a new 3 month old resident at a home also housing a 7 month old I came upon another, albeit, unannounced resident. My mission was to play/exercise the pups. In other words, make certain they attended to outside "duties" and were sufficiently exhausted when they went back inside. I had my camera with me for I envisioned a great time would be had by all and that I'd capture moments of their exuberance. True enough.
The older pup and I tried to teach the young one about chasing a ball but she was interested only in sticks and other odds and ends that could be carted around proudly, as if she were put on this earth to make this particular discovery. It seemed inevitable they were going to romp and I was going to romp along with them. In so doing my attention turned towards the fenced in, covered pool.
There sat The Duck
His head he did tuck
Under a wing
Have you seen such a thing?
Evenutally he realized I was very interested in him and he pulled his head out and re-arranged himself to pose for photos, including taking a dip in the pool cover, not the pool, but the cover which had enough rain in it to make for a nice float area. He was very accommodating!
Coincidentally while walking and philosophizing with another young poocheroo I spied a family of geese and still had the camera with me. I showed them to "B" and he was most engaged but not eager to get in the lake and draw them closer. Perhaps he'd been warned about getting his freshly groomed coat dirty; he's awfully tidy! We were lucky enough to hold our position on the bridge, and then later in his backyard, while the folks took the youngsters out for a swim. I clicked away.
Some days I'm not particularly proud of what I talk to the dogs about while we're walking and getting our exercise. They are great listeners even though I do get some feedback, such as "Just let it go.", "Oh, this again," and so forth. Some days I am certain I don't see everything God puts before me, whether I'm alone, with a walking buddy, or in a mass of people. But then there are days such as this one, when I go places and I see things I am supposed to see and count my blessings for having made it this far, with miles still to travel.
Come along, maybe not with me specifically, but with what life has to offer. "You'll be on your way up! / You'll be seeing great sights! / You'll join the high fliers / who soar to high heights." Dr. Seuss, with his inimitable illustrations and exhilarating rhymes, reveals, at a level we all understand, that true success is imminent. As long as you remember "to be dexterous and deft. And NEVER mix up your right foot with your left"
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Zoey Puppies visit - K2 & Mick (Mac)
Today, we met with Lesley and David to see a couple of Zoey's puppies. They are still so cute. K2 is Lesley's next show potential and Mick (formerly Mac) is looking for his forever home. Mick is staying with Team Beagle for a couple of weeks for some tricks training - he already knows sit, working on spin, twirl, rollover and beg. Mick loves to play fetch and he even brings it back to you - pretty smart puppy!
Here's Mick (Starbuck Torbay McKinley)
Here's K2 (Starbuck Torbay Blue Chip Stock)
If you are interested in making Mick a new member of your family, please contact Lesley Hiltz at
Here is a video of Mick practicing his new trick "Down"
Here's Mick (Starbuck Torbay McKinley)
Here's K2 (Starbuck Torbay Blue Chip Stock)
If you are interested in making Mick a new member of your family, please contact Lesley Hiltz at
Here is a video of Mick practicing his new trick "Down"
From Starbuck Torbay McKinley - Mick - Mac |
Tulip named Abba
Last fall, I found tulips that were named Abba. So of course, I got some and planted them. They are a beautiful red tulip - this one bloomed the other day and with the sunshine today looked great.
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Final 2010 Performance Standings for Beagles
So the final 2010 nation-wide beagle performance results are in and Brew placed 4th with 86 points. Not bad since we didn't even attend that many shows.
Selasa, 26 April 2011
A Week-ette of Flowery Observations
Kate "Flowers in Her Hair" |
As we piled into the car and headed for the highway we passed the animal shelter, which was not on our list of places to go. But, we came close to stopping to see it for it looked oddly splendid! Knowing there's much to be done back in our area we drove on, somewhat reluctantly. I'd anticipate a return trip to visit and see how things are done there; if any ideas can be brought back and considered in our area.
Back in my own backyard, an acknowledged haven of all things, ranging from healthy weeds, long grass, wet everything, to get out and shoot photos, I opted for the last item. Here's what I'm lookin' at today.

Irises make beautiful subjects, especially when it's possible to get the rain hanging on and the teensy details showing up. I think there's another shot you'll like, the one beneath this is a small, low to the ground iris with totally different petal structure. It too has the lasting drops of moisture from last night's rain. There's something to be said for all the storms. Gorgeous flowers abound.
I don't know what the delicate yellow blossom is but it is one of my favorites, residing near the driveway and flourishing early in the spring, before daylilies and hostas take over; this plants leaves turn darker in time.
Sabtu, 23 April 2011
O'Riley and me
O'Riley and I were on our way to the vet's office as I had just picked him up from the person relinquishing him. Odd and interesting story but not one I'm going to tell here. Best news is that he was HW negative, got his shots, appears to be older than we were told, and three days after joining me he is on his way to a new home. A big shout out of thanks to the best vet and staff in the area! Go Rochester!
Before we actually left the "city" we headed southeast on one of the main arteries, and it happens to be one that offers a sampling of all types of lifestyles here. We cruised past this setting and I was fortunate enough to have my camera with me on this particular day. Turning onto a side street I was able to dash out and snap some photos while O'Riley waited patiently in the crate, in the car.
Ironic, someone tore down a church during Holy Week. Left the organ in place, as you can see. I talked to a neighbor a bit. My senses were exploding. I could almost hear the notes being struck and the voices rising from the brick and mortar shambles. "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", "He Lives", and "Just a Little Walk With Jesus". Off to the right, out of view and behind the tree, is the sign with the message "God Bless America".
Can I get an Amen?
Before we actually left the "city" we headed southeast on one of the main arteries, and it happens to be one that offers a sampling of all types of lifestyles here. We cruised past this setting and I was fortunate enough to have my camera with me on this particular day. Turning onto a side street I was able to dash out and snap some photos while O'Riley waited patiently in the crate, in the car.
Ironic, someone tore down a church during Holy Week. Left the organ in place, as you can see. I talked to a neighbor a bit. My senses were exploding. I could almost hear the notes being struck and the voices rising from the brick and mortar shambles. "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", "He Lives", and "Just a Little Walk With Jesus". Off to the right, out of view and behind the tree, is the sign with the message "God Bless America".
Can I get an Amen?
Minggu, 17 April 2011
A Day in the Country
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Green Grass Green Tree Green Barn |
Regardless, we were invited to some wonderful friends' house for lunch today. They finished a home project (which looks great) and were willing to show it off AND cook out. We could not resist. We also would get to see their 3 dogs and meet the cat! It's about 40 miles from here, hard to say, you'll see.
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From my 'Blue' Period |
Back on the road we were promptly routed to the interstate. FREAKIN' NO!!!! We ended up going AROUND the town and having to cut back over and then make two phone calls. Thankfully we were given a business to look for as the place to make the final turn because the system wasn't going to tell us to make it.
I'm guessing we actually drove about 75 miles as we were an hour and a half in getting there, counting my 5 minutes of a "photo shoot".
Going home was just as grand. Push HOME. Yeah, right. I'd re-set the program to "shortest route" to avoid the interstate and we had good directions. Our first turn was a wrong one. I suggested and received a turnaround, no problem. When the second one was missed I gave up and decided to enjoy the ride in the country and ask to stop whenever I wanted to do just that.
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White Phase |
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Traditional Red |
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See if YOUR GPS can find this! |
In the end I got what I wanted :-) And, inside one of these barns was a fabulous surprise.
But I'm still going to find a way to shut that GPS O-F-F.
cook out,
old piano,
Valentine's Day
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