On the front of our house is an angel, the kind the homeowner can leave out year round. We need that too. This is no ordinary angel. It's the "Keeper of Lost Things". We lose "things" a lot. I mean, really, we do.
Then there is always the adventure of finding the missing items. Long ago I gave up trying to do it without sounding as if I am a complete nincompoop. Sometimes I carry on for a few minutes, more likely a few days. Yes, there is the adage, "Stop looking for it; it will show up." Here we tend to go with "Throw out the part you have and the missing part will show up." If only there was a way to toss the in-hand part someplace and fake it being gone.
It would not work; I know. The missing item would show up. The item I did have would be lost. My trip to crazyland would be arranged much sooner if I tried this. Still, if it just worked ONCE...well, I'm not going there.
Right now we are missing the charger for the handy-dandy, battery-powered, portable vac from Black and Decker, purchased a very few months ago from http://www.woot.com/ . We had it as I did use it so I am confident it exists in more than my imagination. There needs to be a generic small appliance charger made for folks such as I. Who'll be the first to invent that PLEASE?
What I have learned so far is that the cell phone charger to an old cell phone will not work on this appliance. Oh, and of course, I looked in the place where it was supposed to be, three times; it is not there. That's not to say that when it is found by someone else it won't be put there with a "Isn't this what you're looking for?". And, I have also learned the charger is not in the bag which contains all the other chargers, with labels on them now so I know with what they are associated. Finally, it is not in the office. I know because this was the morning I took the room apart, reworked all the computer cabling (that makes me sound very smart, heh?), and sorted through everything, doing the keep-or-toss decisionmaking.
That would be keep-or-toss of anything that doesn't require a charger.
The angel will not be getting a year end bonus.
BTW, you will note that I did succeed with all the cable uncluttering, dismantling, re-establishing - I'm online, right?
Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
Minggu, 27 Desember 2009
Beautiful as this is - and it truly is - a word to the wise: Mosquitoes still linger! YES! One crossed my path indoors today. If you have a dog it could get heartworm.
It could get it anytime of the year.
Be sure you give heartworm preventative throughout the year! Make it a resolution. Mark your calendars now. Call the vet in the morning.
The treatments are painful. Recovery time is lengthy and the dogs get restless.
Do the right thing and do it now.
This email note came to me and I have to share it as it is pertinent to this entry. If you're ever in doubt of what to get as a gift remember this. Cat lovers/owners could benefit from flea protection or a gift certificate to go to the vet for a check up. OK, maybe that's an awkward sentence...the owners are probably not needing flea protection for themselves and probably go to a regular doctor. But, their cats would appreciate the gift. Hee hee
Speaking of your most recent entry on Paws to Love, you'll never believe what a friend of mine gave me for Christmas. 4 bully sticks, 2 Kong toys, and a YEAR'S SUPPLY of Heart Guard for EACH of my girls!!! Talk about someone who really knows the things I need and love! I don't think I've ever been so touched--or at such a loss for words!
It could get it anytime of the year.
Be sure you give heartworm preventative throughout the year! Make it a resolution. Mark your calendars now. Call the vet in the morning.
The treatments are painful. Recovery time is lengthy and the dogs get restless.
Do the right thing and do it now.
This email note came to me and I have to share it as it is pertinent to this entry. If you're ever in doubt of what to get as a gift remember this. Cat lovers/owners could benefit from flea protection or a gift certificate to go to the vet for a check up. OK, maybe that's an awkward sentence...the owners are probably not needing flea protection for themselves and probably go to a regular doctor. But, their cats would appreciate the gift. Hee hee
Speaking of your most recent entry on Paws to Love, you'll never believe what a friend of mine gave me for Christmas. 4 bully sticks, 2 Kong toys, and a YEAR'S SUPPLY of Heart Guard for EACH of my girls!!! Talk about someone who really knows the things I need and love! I don't think I've ever been so touched--or at such a loss for words!
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
Maria's 4th & 5th week with Team Beagle
Maria is now back at home with Lesley, but she had a grand time while visiting Team Beagle. Lots of walks and car rides to new and strange places. She did well in her conformation classes and we had a lot of fun doing it. Bob misses his playmate. She learned a few tricks as well (Spin, Twirl, Down and Capsize (rollover). I will post a video later of Maria performing her tricks.
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
Burning the Midnight Candle
Well, not exactly midnight, let's call it the 9:00 candle.
It doesn't have the same ring to it. Keeps the story truthful though.
You see, last night our good friends T & P came by with their annual contribution to our Christmas Calorie Count - a huge plate of greaties (too awesome to be goodies). Silly me, I lit a candle in the kitchen for aroma. That was fine and I could have quit there but nOOOO. There was a cute snowball candle on a stand which happened to be on top of the television. I lit the candle.
"Brown" came with a package for me too. We're a late delivery because we are on the way home for the driver. We all were excited to see my new yard statue of St. Francis (I know enough to know he watches over animals. Those two years at the convent I did learn something about the Catholic faith.) We all oo'd and ahh'd and they went on their way. St. Francis went to get dried off and safely placed in a corner for now (facing out, it was not a time out for him).
I set about reading email, Facebook, and sorting photos. My dear you-know-who snoozed while reading and watching tv, only to awake and say, "We have a problem with the television." Thankyouverymuch.
Yes, I (could it please be we?) had left the snowball candle a-glowin' a bit too long and the wax of the candle was now the wax of the tv set. Boo hiss
Not to worry, not for long anyway. I got it off using a dull, dull, dull knife blade and an old soft cloth.
Today if I took a before and after photo they'd look the same.
But I won't.
I'd just invite repeating this event as I'd then have to sort those photos along with the remaining ones which need sorting. Can I get a Bah-humbug here?
It doesn't have the same ring to it. Keeps the story truthful though.
You see, last night our good friends T & P came by with their annual contribution to our Christmas Calorie Count - a huge plate of greaties (too awesome to be goodies). Silly me, I lit a candle in the kitchen for aroma. That was fine and I could have quit there but nOOOO. There was a cute snowball candle on a stand which happened to be on top of the television. I lit the candle.
"Brown" came with a package for me too. We're a late delivery because we are on the way home for the driver. We all were excited to see my new yard statue of St. Francis (I know enough to know he watches over animals. Those two years at the convent I did learn something about the Catholic faith.) We all oo'd and ahh'd and they went on their way. St. Francis went to get dried off and safely placed in a corner for now (facing out, it was not a time out for him).
I set about reading email, Facebook, and sorting photos. My dear you-know-who snoozed while reading and watching tv, only to awake and say, "We have a problem with the television." Thankyouverymuch.
Yes, I (could it please be we?) had left the snowball candle a-glowin' a bit too long and the wax of the candle was now the wax of the tv set. Boo hiss
Not to worry, not for long anyway. I got it off using a dull, dull, dull knife blade and an old soft cloth.
Today if I took a before and after photo they'd look the same.
But I won't.
I'd just invite repeating this event as I'd then have to sort those photos along with the remaining ones which need sorting. Can I get a Bah-humbug here?
Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009
Merry Christmas it is!
The boys are fussing over who gets to come forward and be the first to wish the world a Merry Christmas. Tripp and Baxter, along with our other dogs and the cats join us in sending seasonal greetings for a Joyous Christmas Day and a Magnificent New Year to each and every one of you!
Jumat, 18 Desember 2009
Brief Glimpse
Something about a teensy little bottlefeeder kitty gives the busy-ness of the world a touch of insignificance, especially at this time of the year.
The little critter is trusting that this strange being (to her anyway) is providing the nourishment she needs. When was the last time I ever did that? Hard to say!
The kitten is relying upon another soul to give her the physical support and safety essential to keep her sustained.
This is one of my favorite kitten types - she's striped on the topside and dotted on the underside. Because she was SO full and SO wiggly after eating I call her Squiggy.
The little critter is trusting that this strange being (to her anyway) is providing the nourishment she needs. When was the last time I ever did that? Hard to say!
The kitten is relying upon another soul to give her the physical support and safety essential to keep her sustained.
This is one of my favorite kitten types - she's striped on the topside and dotted on the underside. Because she was SO full and SO wiggly after eating I call her Squiggy.
Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
What Do You Call...
The Chinese may make the toys kids play with, the dishes we eat off of, the floor we walk on, but they will not be making comments on this blog. I have had to invoke the "right to refuse posting" of comments.
I tell you that because this posting is about a game created decades ago after a huge dinner and a "little" wine, and a long drive home (riding as a passenger). It's corny but fun. We own it. But you can play and I encourage you to do so in the comments section.
Here's how it goes:
First, you either need a map of a state or need to be very familiar with the towns/villages/cities of a state. Often this is the state in which you live. This is the part that could turn this into an educational tool for all you teachers.
Next, the first player thinks up a question and answer and presents just the question to other players. Two or more can play. The question is "What do you call a town where all the residents are little Angelina Jolie's?" In this case the answer is "Joliet" as if they are "Joliettes"...
No body said it had to be anything other than corny and the more groans the better. Of course, proper wording of the question is key. "What do you call a town where all Santa's elves finish this phrase, 'No____.'?" The answer is "Pekin" as in "peekin'" as in ...duh, at the Christmas presents.
And, Whaddaya or whatcha is not acceptable. PLEASE, proper grammar is important. Come up with a few.
I tell you that because this posting is about a game created decades ago after a huge dinner and a "little" wine, and a long drive home (riding as a passenger). It's corny but fun. We own it. But you can play and I encourage you to do so in the comments section.
Here's how it goes:
First, you either need a map of a state or need to be very familiar with the towns/villages/cities of a state. Often this is the state in which you live. This is the part that could turn this into an educational tool for all you teachers.
Next, the first player thinks up a question and answer and presents just the question to other players. Two or more can play. The question is "What do you call a town where all the residents are little Angelina Jolie's?" In this case the answer is "Joliet" as if they are "Joliettes"...
No body said it had to be anything other than corny and the more groans the better. Of course, proper wording of the question is key. "What do you call a town where all Santa's elves finish this phrase, 'No____.'?" The answer is "Pekin" as in "peekin'" as in ...duh, at the Christmas presents.
And, Whaddaya or whatcha is not acceptable. PLEASE, proper grammar is important. Come up with a few.
Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
Tuesday - a Clean Sweep
It's not that I've been away.
I've been cleaning. oooouu-eeey. What have I learned from this?
1. Dogs bring in a lot of dirt and manage to look clean doing it.
2. Dogs bring in even more dirt when they look dirty.
3. We have charge units with no associated devices. Sure as I toss them - well, you know the rest.
4. It's hard to find the good lemon furniture oil in our town.
5. We need a new sofa.
6. It is possible to clean without re-arranging the furniture.
7. Music makes me move.
8. Don't put lids down if you expect to find them and put them on the bottle again.
9. Making a "to go" box should be part of the routine.
10. I will always want to start with dusting and end with vacuuming even if my husband wants to do the reverse.
11. Santa won't recognize the place.
12. You can turn the thermostat down and generate your own heat.
13. By the time it's all done your brain is to fried to think who you should invite over to see it.
14. Facebook can wait.
I've been cleaning. oooouu-eeey. What have I learned from this?
1. Dogs bring in a lot of dirt and manage to look clean doing it.
2. Dogs bring in even more dirt when they look dirty.
3. We have charge units with no associated devices. Sure as I toss them - well, you know the rest.
4. It's hard to find the good lemon furniture oil in our town.
5. We need a new sofa.
6. It is possible to clean without re-arranging the furniture.
7. Music makes me move.
8. Don't put lids down if you expect to find them and put them on the bottle again.
9. Making a "to go" box should be part of the routine.
10. I will always want to start with dusting and end with vacuuming even if my husband wants to do the reverse.
11. Santa won't recognize the place.
12. You can turn the thermostat down and generate your own heat.
13. By the time it's all done your brain is to fried to think who you should invite over to see it.
14. Facebook can wait.
Senin, 14 Desember 2009
Looking for a new way to exercise the beagles
Has anyone ever tried these products?
Walky Dog
Running Dog Bike Tow Leash
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
What Should I Do?
These are things I should be doing instead of blogging:
Finish the details on my will
Go to the art gallery and pick up two framed items
Sweep the snow off the deck and steps
Paint the closet and the bedroom ceiling
Clean out the car
Read a book that is due Wednesday
Fold laundry
Updating and backing up files
All right, there's probably a lot more but how disgusting is this? The last item made me quit. Now I'm ticked about technology. It seems to suck up time. I went shopping on Woot. com a few days back - oh, hang on, what's the deal for today? - Phew. Toshiba 26” LCD HDTV with Built-In DVD Player
+ $5 shipping
Condition:NewProduct:1 Toshiba 26LV61K 26” LCD HDTV with DivX Certified Built-In DVD Player
I don't need one of these,...do I? Anyway, no. I'm already listening to my Woot $20 Sansa Clip which is smaller than a matchbook. THANKFULLY, although I downloaded and printed the manual, I can listen to the FM radio portion without reading beyond the "Here's the power button." Eventually I find a song I have to download, I'm sure. Then Ill figure it out. In the meantime, there's the blog. Oh, and, yes, the list above which shall, I fear, remain incomplete and unfinished. I'll add to it and remove things as they are done though.
I call this progress. And, isn't that what all this technology brings us too? Progress. Ah, yes.
My life IS a work in progress.
Finish the details on my will
Go to the art gallery and pick up two framed items
Sweep the snow off the deck and steps
Paint the closet and the bedroom ceiling
Clean out the car
Read a book that is due Wednesday
Fold laundry
Updating and backing up files
All right, there's probably a lot more but how disgusting is this? The last item made me quit. Now I'm ticked about technology. It seems to suck up time. I went shopping on Woot. com a few days back - oh, hang on, what's the deal for today? - Phew. Toshiba 26” LCD HDTV with Built-In DVD Player
+ $5 shipping
Condition:NewProduct:1 Toshiba 26LV61K 26” LCD HDTV with DivX Certified Built-In DVD Player
I don't need one of these,...do I? Anyway, no. I'm already listening to my Woot $20 Sansa Clip which is smaller than a matchbook. THANKFULLY, although I downloaded and printed the manual, I can listen to the FM radio portion without reading beyond the "Here's the power button." Eventually I find a song I have to download, I'm sure. Then Ill figure it out. In the meantime, there's the blog. Oh, and, yes, the list above which shall, I fear, remain incomplete and unfinished. I'll add to it and remove things as they are done though.
I call this progress. And, isn't that what all this technology brings us too? Progress. Ah, yes.
My life IS a work in progress.
first snow
We have it.
Our "First Snow" is here and there is always something magical about its arrival. The smaller trees express "I made it! I can hold my own snow!" The noises we usually hear in the morning are muffled and the children are mufflered. The dogs, oh, the dogs, chasing around, in an entirely new yard, seeing all the potential it offers for the day.
Snow is a mood-setter. People, although already bustling for the best deals, will now get in the spirit. It's like a "last call" - Here's the snow now! Enjoy it! So do.
It's the way the song, "Silver Bells", goes..."Soon it will be CHRISTMAS time."
Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
Maria's 3rd week with Team Beagle
Maria's 3rd week included more walks and playing around with Team Beagle. We tried to go to conformation class but the instructor wasn't there. Try again next week and hopefully get pictures of Maria in class.
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
Ho Ho Ho
...And, I'm not talking about a person so don't report me for an indiscretion in terms of political correctness.
Darn IT. The past two times one of our dogs and I have been out for Donation Dog duty (collecting money for the local shelter animals) we have had WEATHER and plenty of it, all crappy. That means few $$$$. But last night takes the proverbial "cake".
A local politician was to show up to light the tree in front of the Old State Capitol. He did. The event was canceled. The tree fell over. WHY, OH WHY did I not have my camera with me?
What's more, the group which was supposed to sing had few singers show up. They were kids, after all, and their parents were to bring them. Uh, I'm thinking the parents who didn't bring their kids were wise to the probability of it being a wasted trip.
There stood poor Baxter (in his new hoodie, I might add, under his Donation Dog vest) and me, under the generous awning of the Chamber's current office. They are moving tomorrow. Anyway, that's another story. But, all these Magnet School kids and parents crowded under the awning, making it less than generous. They IGNORED our presence and, in old people speak, "carried on loudly". Then the director came along, late I might add. She announced "We're not singing!"
OK. And, this is because....? Well, someone(s) complained and they sang from last year's already wrecked song books, three songs.
That was it. It was pretty painful.
The worst was yet to come. Baxter and I roamed downtown Springpatch for 1 hour and got $20, $5 which was (sucker) mine.
Last week Harmony and I shivered in front of WalMart the night before Thanksgiving for $25, $5 which was (sucker) mine.
I'm thinking tee shirts...
"My owner took me out as a Donation Dog and all I got was a lousy $20."
and for me
"BWS" for Bad Weather Sucker
Other ideas?
Darn IT. The past two times one of our dogs and I have been out for Donation Dog duty (collecting money for the local shelter animals) we have had WEATHER and plenty of it, all crappy. That means few $$$$. But last night takes the proverbial "cake".
A local politician was to show up to light the tree in front of the Old State Capitol. He did. The event was canceled. The tree fell over. WHY, OH WHY did I not have my camera with me?
What's more, the group which was supposed to sing had few singers show up. They were kids, after all, and their parents were to bring them. Uh, I'm thinking the parents who didn't bring their kids were wise to the probability of it being a wasted trip.
There stood poor Baxter (in his new hoodie, I might add, under his Donation Dog vest) and me, under the generous awning of the Chamber's current office. They are moving tomorrow. Anyway, that's another story. But, all these Magnet School kids and parents crowded under the awning, making it less than generous. They IGNORED our presence and, in old people speak, "carried on loudly". Then the director came along, late I might add. She announced "We're not singing!"
OK. And, this is because....? Well, someone(s) complained and they sang from last year's already wrecked song books, three songs.
That was it. It was pretty painful.
The worst was yet to come. Baxter and I roamed downtown Springpatch for 1 hour and got $20, $5 which was (sucker) mine.
Last week Harmony and I shivered in front of WalMart the night before Thanksgiving for $25, $5 which was (sucker) mine.
I'm thinking tee shirts...
"My owner took me out as a Donation Dog and all I got was a lousy $20."
and for me
"BWS" for Bad Weather Sucker
Other ideas?
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