My name is Dani, and I am a horrible shopoholic/ spender. It's the one thing I hate most about myself, and it's more embarrassing then you might imagine. I just need to get it out there so I can hold myself accountable. I was speaking with my best friend Carly via text message earlier, and she was telling me about her plan to spend hardly anything in the next few months. This is what I need to do. We've decided to challenge eachother for the least amount of money spent (this will be slightly easier for me now that I've basically finished Christmas shopping > : )
We are going to count every dime that we spend aside from bills and gas. We will count groceries, as they can be downsized.
I will log on and post my spendings from the previous week on Mondays. Next week will only have the spendings from today until Sunday (since I'm just starting this now).
This means- No more Starbucks. No more Christmas shopping (or minimal anyway- I still need to get my brother a couple things). No more Macy's. No more eating out for breakfast and lunch at work.
I am going to be removing my debit cards, credit cards, AND even my checkbook from my purse. I will give myself a limited amount of cash each week. This is a bit scary. Wish me luck!!!!
Kamis, 30 November 2006
Selasa, 28 November 2006
Carly- This is for you!!!
Alright- this is not the greatest picture of my sweet chub, *but* you can kind of see his first tooth. It is impossible to get a picture of this child while he's not moving, so the chances of me getting another photo of his tooth are slim to none. If you look very closely, on the bottom left hand side (his right, your left), you can see a little white speck. HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!! And now, he actually has a second tooth coming in next to that one. TWO TEETH! It's amazing. Not only did I make a human being, but he has teeth. : )
Tarot Card for the Week

Five of Wands!
This card is taken from the Benedetti Tarot.
The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Five of Wands (Strife): An intense struggle motivated purely by the love of competition. A state of seeming chaos driven by endless small disputes and complications. A hotly contested race, debate, game, or other challenge. A stressful situation that brings out the best in the participants.
This sounds like my life in general these days. Chaotic to say the least. We have a busy household and it seems like there are never ending errands lately (on top of taking care of a teething cherub!). Well hey, at least it'll bring out the best in me, right?
Belief-O-Matic Quiz!
I forget how this happened originally, but I've stumbled across the 'Belief-O-Matic' quiz a few times. I have taken it every time I've come across it, and everytime it is the same. It was actually pretty eye opening to me, and I've forwarded it to many people in the past. If you've never taken this quiz, I highly suggest it!!! You will be asked a series of questions based on your 'religious' or 'spiritual' beliefs, and ranked by which religions fit your descriptions accordingly.
Here are my results:
Your Results:
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (87%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (80%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (80%)
5. Jainism (76%)
6. Hinduism (74%)
7. Liberal Quakers (69%)
8. Theravada Buddhism (66%)
9. New Thought (65%)
10. Sikhism (65%)
11. Scientology (64%)
12. Reform Judaism (59%)
13. Bahá'í Faith (49%)
14. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (49%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (47%)
16. Taoism (45%)
17. Secular Humanism (43%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (41%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (39%)
20. Islam (29%)
21. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)
22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (18%)
23. Nontheist (18%)
24. Jehovah's Witness (16%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (16%)
26. Roman Catholic (16%)
27. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (14%)
I think that's relatively right on, other than the 64% Scientologist. I kinda think they're a cult and they scare me.
Here's what they have to say about neo pagans (me):
Neo-Pagans are a community of faiths bringing ancient Pagan and magickal traditions to the modern age--including mostly Wicca but also Druidism, Asatru, Shamanism, neo-Native American, and more. Neo-Pagan is an umbrella term for various and diverse beliefs with many elements in common. Some Neo-Pagans find no incongruence practicing Neo-Paganism along with adherence to another faith, such as Christianity or Judaism.
Belief in DeitySome believe in a Supreme Being. Many believe in God and Goddess--a duality. Many believe there are countless spirit beings, gods and goddesses, in the cosmos and within all of nature--God is all and within all; all are one God. The Great Mother Earth, or Mother Nature, is highly worshipped. Divinity is immanent and may become manifest within anyone at any time through various methods.
IncarnationsNo human incarnations are worshipped in particular, as all of nature and the universe are considered embodiments of God and Goddess, or of gods and goddesses, worthy of respect, reverence, or worship.
Origin of Universe and LifeGenerally, there is no conflict between observations revealed through science and Neo-Pagan beliefs on origins of the physical universe and of man. Many believe in a supreme intelligence that created a duality of God/Goddess who then created a spirit world of gods and goddesses as well as all of the universe and nature.
After DeathMany believe in reincarnation after some rest and recovery in the "Otherworld." There is generally no concept of hell as a place of punishment, but some believe wrongdoing can trap the soul in state of suffering after death. Some (Wicca) believe the soul joins their dead ancestors who watch over and protect their family. Some believe that life energy continues in some, if unknown, form. Some believe in various spiritual resting places. Many say we don't or can't know what happens after death.
Why Evil?"Evil" is imbalance. Most believe there is no evil but rather that people sometimes make mistakes. Wrongdoing results when we forget we are one with the universal spirit.
SalvationThe concept of "salvation" is essentially irrelevant; rather the belief that people can attain spiritual balance and harmony with each other and nature. The path includes group ceremonies, dances, songs/chants, prayers, meditation, trance, altered states of consciousness, the metaphysical, magic, invoking or evoking deities or spirits, Tantric practices. Intercessors are commonly used: psychics, seers, shamans, tarot, Oui-Ja board. Ethical choices are influenced by a belief that one is rewarded or punished within this or after this lifetime for one's choices and an ethical code to do no harm.
Undeserved SufferingMost do not believe in Satan or any spirit being as the cause of suffering. Some believe in a karma-like principle, that choosing to live a life of wrongdoing and pain will naturally result in suffering in this or later lifetimes. Many view suffering as a result of spiritual imbalance in one's life or on the planet or in the universe. The focus is generally on healing suffering rather than answering definitively why it exists.
Contemporary IssuesAbortion is not condemned, as there is no official doctrine; beliefs about abortion range the full spectrum. Views on divorce, homosexuality, and gender equality are generally very supportive of human differences, equality, and personal choice. Many believe that involvement in community action, especially regarding environmental concerns, is integral to the belief in human interdependence and worship of the Earth Mother.
Belief in DeitySome believe in a Supreme Being. Many believe in God and Goddess--a duality. Many believe there are countless spirit beings, gods and goddesses, in the cosmos and within all of nature--God is all and within all; all are one God. The Great Mother Earth, or Mother Nature, is highly worshipped. Divinity is immanent and may become manifest within anyone at any time through various methods.
IncarnationsNo human incarnations are worshipped in particular, as all of nature and the universe are considered embodiments of God and Goddess, or of gods and goddesses, worthy of respect, reverence, or worship.
Origin of Universe and LifeGenerally, there is no conflict between observations revealed through science and Neo-Pagan beliefs on origins of the physical universe and of man. Many believe in a supreme intelligence that created a duality of God/Goddess who then created a spirit world of gods and goddesses as well as all of the universe and nature.
After DeathMany believe in reincarnation after some rest and recovery in the "Otherworld." There is generally no concept of hell as a place of punishment, but some believe wrongdoing can trap the soul in state of suffering after death. Some (Wicca) believe the soul joins their dead ancestors who watch over and protect their family. Some believe that life energy continues in some, if unknown, form. Some believe in various spiritual resting places. Many say we don't or can't know what happens after death.
Why Evil?"Evil" is imbalance. Most believe there is no evil but rather that people sometimes make mistakes. Wrongdoing results when we forget we are one with the universal spirit.
SalvationThe concept of "salvation" is essentially irrelevant; rather the belief that people can attain spiritual balance and harmony with each other and nature. The path includes group ceremonies, dances, songs/chants, prayers, meditation, trance, altered states of consciousness, the metaphysical, magic, invoking or evoking deities or spirits, Tantric practices. Intercessors are commonly used: psychics, seers, shamans, tarot, Oui-Ja board. Ethical choices are influenced by a belief that one is rewarded or punished within this or after this lifetime for one's choices and an ethical code to do no harm.
Undeserved SufferingMost do not believe in Satan or any spirit being as the cause of suffering. Some believe in a karma-like principle, that choosing to live a life of wrongdoing and pain will naturally result in suffering in this or later lifetimes. Many view suffering as a result of spiritual imbalance in one's life or on the planet or in the universe. The focus is generally on healing suffering rather than answering definitively why it exists.
Contemporary IssuesAbortion is not condemned, as there is no official doctrine; beliefs about abortion range the full spectrum. Views on divorce, homosexuality, and gender equality are generally very supportive of human differences, equality, and personal choice. Many believe that involvement in community action, especially regarding environmental concerns, is integral to the belief in human interdependence and worship of the Earth Mother.
The link to beliefnet is under my fave links. Feel free to take the quiz and post your results in comments! Who knows- maybe you'll have a revelation.
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